Big things happening in SC

The engineering world is about to get crazy in South Carolina, which is were Zuendt Engineering is headquartered. There is $2.5 billion coming from the federal rescue plan. A large part of that money is going to be going into infrastructure projects and that means a lot of engineering work.

From the story linked above:

“A group of House representatives met for the first time Tuesday to learn about how much COVID-19 aid the state is getting and what the money can and can’t be used on. South Carolina senators have formed a separate group to consider how best to use the funds.

‘We’re not making any decisions today,’ said Rep. Bruce Bannister, who chairs the special committee. ‘This is going to be a fairly in-depth process.’

The relief money comes with some strings: the state can’t put it in pension funds, or use it to offset revenue lost due to a change in tax laws.”