
"When I say artist I mean the man who is building things - creating molding the earth - whether it be the plains of the west - or the iron ore of Penn. It's all a big game of construction - some with a brush - some with a shovel - some choose a pen."
Jackson Pollock

Zuendt Engineering has a wealth of construction knowledge. We have been a part of multiple construction projects during the planning or implementation phases. Mr. Zuendt has personally been a part of projects totaling almost $3 billion dollars, including the construction of Duke Energy's Cliffside Steam Station Unit 6, and the construction of SCANA's V.C. Summer's Units 2&3 (one of the new nuclear plants currently being constructed in the United States.)

Construction Bidding & Administration

Zuendt Engineering will be the owners agent responsible for preparing the bid package, preparing and publishing the advertisement for bid, and representing the owner during any pre-bid meetings.  Once the bids have been received, Zuendt Engineering will analyze the bid and prepare a recommendation for the owner on which contractor would be the best choice for the project to ensure the owner is receiving the best value for the project.

Quality Control / Construction Inspections / Construction Oversight

Quality control is the most important phase of construction.  Knowing your project is being built correctly gives an owner peace of mind during operation.  Zuendt Engineering has extensive construction experience.


Zuendt Engineering will provide quality control inspections on a regular or daily basis for the owner to ensure the structure or project is being constructed to the drawings and specifications.  Zuendt Engineering will provide IBC Chapter 17 special inspections required on construction projects, along with a final report certifying the inspections and test results.

Zuendt Engineering will also provide construction oversight for an owner to ensure the contractor billings are correct and they are not taking credit for work not performed yet.  Daily or weekly progress reports will be provided to the client as required.

Construction Closeout

Once the final bill is paid, the construction is complete and the contractor is not held accountable for any unfinished work.  Prior to the final bill being paid, the owner should have a representative walkdown the entire project and formulate a punch-list for the contractor to complete prior to finalizing the project.  Zuendt Engineering will walk down the project and formulate the punch-list and ensure the list is completed.  Once the final inspection of the punch-list is complete, we will make the recommendation to close out the project and take the keys from the contractor.

Construction Modularization

Construction has changed over the past 10-15 years.  The time of constructing a building or structure piece by piece is gone.  In an effort to save time, schedule, and worker safety, construction companies are looking to construct a structure in larger pieces in a safe environment off site and then transport and set in location as the schedule determines.  Advances in construction equipment has made modularization possible.  An example of this can be found here.

Zuendt Engineering has vast experience in modularization.  Mr. Zuendt helped to modularize Duke Energy’s Cliffside Steam Station Unit 6 , during construction, in order to save construction time and budget.  Zuendt Engineering will review your construction project and work with the owner or the construction company to show which structures would benefit from modularization.  Zuendt Engineering will perform the analysis of the structure to ensure it can handle being lifted in sections versus being stick built, as well as preparing the lift plan to ensure the craft will perform the lift safely.

Crane Lift Plans

Zuendt Engineering’s expertise in safe lifts has come from our experience in the field on numerous construction sites.  Our staff will work together with the construction team to engineer the best solutions to your lift.  We will find out what cranes and rigging are available for the task and how to ensure it is used effectively to provide a flawless lift.  Our team will engineer spreader beams and lift apparatus required for the lift, all in accordance with ASME B30.20 and BTH-1.  See the photos below of lifts analyzed by Zuendt Engineering.