Prospective buyers need an advantage over their competitors. Zuendt Engineering is that advantage. We provide a prospective buyer multiple property layouts for subdivision development, commercial site layout, and industrial layouts, by using state-of-the-art technology. Here are ten things to think about when it comes to due diligence on your engineering project.
- Size, shape, locational setting and topography.
- Property’s legal encumbrances due to easements, rights of way acquisition, or eminent domain.
- The future land use designation and zoning, and whether it will be necessary to re-zone the property.
- Review of future land use regulations, zoning regulations and the land development code.
- The uses and characteristics of adjacent properties.
- Presence and extent of wetlands and/or threatened and endangered species.
- Soils types and the depth to seasonal high water table.
- Sewer and water utilities – what they can handle.
- What are the agencies (both local, state and federal) that will have jurisdiction in the civil engineering and land planning.
- Storm water management and drainage criteria and how these regulations will impact the civil engineering design and the size of the retention pond.