One of the interesting aspects of our work is that we are often the behind the scenes group on really cool projects. It is makes for a fun job, but an anonymous one. That is why we get excited when we see some of the projects we worked on in the media. This week the Greenville Journal’s Ariel Turner wrote about two of those projects: Tetrad Brewing and here River Street Sweets.
We especially liked the write-up on the Tetrad project, which have highlighted below.
Construction is underway on the 3,368-square-foot bottom level of the future Half-Moon Outfitters location. Tetrad Brewing Co. will be a microbrewery with a heavy emphasis on the taproom experience. Co-owners John Bucher and Chad Tydings, who are outdoor enthusiasts from Alaska and Rochester, N.Y., respectively, bounced back and forth between two locations before landing on this one, and they couldn’t be happier with the fit.